This blog is the goofy and fun happenings of my little world. I am a mother of 2, wife to a wonderful man, and most of all a Child of the King. What I write will be crazy, funny, heartfelt, and full of the thoughts of my life. I hope you will laugh, cry, groan, and just have a great time reading the ramblings of a crazy woman!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The hours of my day
9:00 a.m. I climbed out of bed. Groggy but awake. I hate mornings!! "YAWN"
10:00 a.m. Made breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen. Emptied the dishwasher and refilled. That means there were dirty dishes all night if any one was wondering.
11:00 a.m. Got dressed and made beds. Got the girls ready to go to town. Made a stop at the neighbors for Patricia to apologize to the mommy for being rude and disrespectful. WHEW!! What my child gets herself into....makes me dizzy.
12:00 p.m. Stopped at the Post Office, the potential job offer, and Applebee's for lunch.
1:00 p.m. Went to Lowe's to get the paint and on to Wal-Mart for house hold supplies. Ended up spending way too much money.
2:00 p.m. Still at Wal-Mart
3:00 p.m. Stopped back in at the potential job site to turn in a resume. They liked what they saw. Interview tomorrow afternoon. WHOOT, WHOOT!! Took the truck through this really cool carwash. You tell the machine what you want done and then drive to the spot, turn off the car and sit and watch. The girls think it's cool. I do to cuz I don't have to do any work...heeheehee.
4:00 p.m. Home Sweet Home...groceries are unloaded and the perishable's put away. Typing this blog. Yelling at Patricia for trying to pick Katie up out of the crib. Fed Patricia some macaroni...really healthy stuff. Katie needs a nap but she's wide awake.
5:00 p.m. Time to feed Katie. Some kind of Turkey with rice and veggies. She liked it. Put both girls in the bathtub and told them they could not play. Church tonight.
6:00 p.m. Started dressing for church. Patricia loves to go on Wednesday night because they have what is called Tool Box for the younger children. Kind of like Jr. Church which most churches do on Sunday morning. We do that here too. One thing about our church, you could never say there wasn't anything for your age group. They have more than enough to satisfy everyone.
7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting and Tool Box. We started with several uplifting chorus's and then Pastor spoke on Defining your Faith and what you believe. He did a wonderful job and really got the congregation to thinking. At least I had food for thought.
8:00 p.m. Picked up Patricia from Tool Box and headed home. Mom had taken Katie home earlier cuz she was being a little pistol in church. Came home and had some snacks before bedtime.
9:00 p.m. Katie in bed. Patricia had a little computer time and then she went to bed. It's always nice to have some peace and quiet before going to bed. Patricia soon to follow at 9:30.
10:00 p.m. Here's where I will stop for the day. I am finishing this blog and then on to a movie I picked up for $5.00 today at Wal-Mart.
Good night all.
Oh yes. I tag Jen S., Mary H., Gwen T., Eileen G., Leora (sorry I can't remember your last name), Becky, and Windi. Good luck and thanks for playing along.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
A song in the night
For as long as I can remember, I have been singing...solo's,duet's,trio's and any other way you can sing. I love to sing! I usually have a song of some kind on my mind and usually it is coming out of my mouth. If I'm not singing, I'm whistling. I just love music.
I was about three years old when my Mother stood me on a folding chair behind the church pulpit and I sang with her. We sang "Fill My Cup Lord." To this day I love that song. From then on it was on to more and more singing. Mom taught me to harmonize when I was around six. She would sit in the living room arm chair and I would perch on the arm and we would sing and practice until I could get the harmony right. One thing that helped me and still does is I can hear the music so well.
My mother married a man who had five children and he became my step-father. We all began to sing together in the 70's. My step-sister Darla would play the piano and I would play the guitar and we would sing. We had pretty good harmony too.
From there I went on to many solo's and then formed a trio with one of my sisters and the pastor's daughter. We sang almost every weekend somewhere. People really liked us. We sang mostly Southern Gospel. I remember one revival that the preacher was so well liked that it went on for almost a month. Every night. We sang our hearts out. I so enjoyed it.
Upon graduation, we broke up the group and I came to Hobe Sound Bible College. I didn't do anything with my talent for two years and then I joined the choir. We sang everywhere around the college as well as at the church and special competitions. Every spring we went on choir tour. That was so much fun. Sixty people on the bus and we would practice as we drove. The first year we traveled out West. The second year we traveled the East Coast. I had the privilege of singing a solo on one of the songs during my second year in choir. I will never forget. We did "I'd Rather Have Jesus." It brought the house "down" every time we sang that song. Such wonderful memories.
After college, I went home and started working in our church. My mother and I with another sister formed a trio and we sang on and off. Mom and I traveled to Bucyrus Ohio and sang for a weekend revival. I was invited by a large Baptist church to sing and I was the only singer scheduled. I had to come up with a repetoir (sp) of about ten songs to fill the evening. They must have liked me because they invited me back time and time again. They were known for having some really big groups in and so I felt a little intimidated by that, but I went anyways.
When Tom and I were married I started singing in his church. They are a very small church and so any music with a tune and instruments to go along with it was an accomplishment for them. Tom and I sang together some but mostly I sang by myself.
Now that we are here and our church is so big, I hardly ever sing. I have sang in the Sanctuary Choir and I did sing for two years in the Singing Tree. I enjoyed doing the Tree a lot. Because of being pregnant for Katie I skipped this year. I hope to sing in the Tree again next Christmas.
Today as I was preparing supper I thought about all the times I have sang. I had one song going through my head and I wanted to share some of the words with you. Sometimes a song can say the right words to help us if we are going through a battle, maybe a loved one has died, or we are just really down in the dumps and feel like God is so far away.
Well friends, I'm here to tell you that He isn't. He promised to be right here with us no matter what the circumstances may be. He promised to lift us up when we fall, and to be our "strong tower" when the storm comes pressing in. He WILL be there for you and me always!! WE CAN COUNT ON JESUS!!
Here's the song that I was thinking of today...
Too Much To Gain To Lose
To many miles behind me
Too many trials are through
Too many tears help me to remember
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Let's try something different...maybe not!!
"Do you think my hair looks nice today?"
"Sure it does."
"I love the powder look. So refreshing. Is it baby fresh powder?"
"Oh yes. And it smells so good. You should try it sometime and we'll go to the park and play."
I hear conversations like this daily with her little imaginary friends.
The one thing that we are working on is night time pull-ups. Patricia was a late potty trainer. She was 3 and a half before I was able to get her fully trained in the day time. We are still working on the night time. She is doing better and she will have a dry pull-up on the next morning if she doesn't drink a lot before bed. I try so hard to not let her drink after six, but if she is thirsty I have a hard time telling her no. I do try to make sure that it is water and not juice or milk before bed time.
Tonight she was in the living room and I told her it was time to get her pull-up on because Chasity (my niece) was here and she was rocking Patricia who was slowly drifting off into dreamland. I got her pull-up out for her to put on and she decided to wear it a couple different ways than the normal way. I grabbed my camera so I could show you how funny she is.
Ladies I present to you the new look for 2008...The new spring look we've all been waiting on.
And for the other end, a flashy outer garment to cover all of the patches or holes that may line the jeans in the rear of you anatomy. Very soft and cushiony if you should accidentally land with a thud.
And for the front, a lovely picture of some royal people from Orlando... :):) After all we all want that claim to fame and knowing royalty...right??
Well, thank you for stopping by. I trust that you will be able to keep up with the fashions for 2008...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Kindergarten...Here we come!!
This door hanger we did the other night. Katie found it and picked all of the paint dots off of the center. We will have to add those back on soon.
This was our fist attempt at making molds. The moon turned out ok and the star was ok too until Tricia dropped it. Sadly one of the corners broke off. The heart is her handprint and we didn't do too well with it. You were supposed to put you hand in it after it had set a while and the hand print was supposed to bubble out on the back so you could turn it over and see the shape of her hand. It didn't do what it was supposed too. Nonetheless we painted it any way.
This set we found already molded. She had so much fun painting them. At first I wasn't too sure how they would turn out, but once they dried they were really pretty.
Tricia did this craft while in Pre School last year. I really liked it and so I hung it in my dining room under a shelf. I have had several comments onthis particular craft. I love it.
These are some random sticker pictures we did one day last summer. She did all but one and I think the one I did is the top left one. Anyway, she did a good job placing each sticker where she wanted it. Children have to tone their fine motor skills and this kind of craft helps them to control their finger muscles.
I just threw this one in. Tom picked this set of Squeeze n Brush paints while in NASA last week. We haven't had a chance to try them but when we do I'll be sure to post the pictures for you to see.
I went to Wal-Mart and bought several school books for Pre-K and we worked on them for quite a long time. I would pick the pages that I wanted Tricia to work on, give her the instructions on what to do and then I would wait to see how she did. I was pretty impressed. She did very well once she learned how to do the work. We have to get busy on the books again so she can get ready for kindergarten.
Well, hope you enjoyed the pictures. I must get off here and get ready for bed. Good night all.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A sad,sad day!!
Today I turned in my resignation affective for January 25th. I just cannot get enough hours to make the trip or the cost of a babysitter worth while. I went for seven weeks before Christmas with out a paycheck because I was only getting 2-3 hours 2 days a week. I told my boss just to wait until the week of our trip to Ohio and give me a check for all of the hours. I think that check was for a whole 25 hrs. There just is not enough work to keep me busy for the boss to afford to pay me.
So today I decided to call it quits and try to pursue work elsewhere. The sad part is that my boss will be really mad. He feels like he paid too much money out to train me and bought a new computer, sent me to QuickBook training and paid for me to be a Notary. But I tried to tell him that is all part of the job. If you hire someone you pay money to hire them. There is always cost involved. There is nothing I can do about it. I can't stay in a stagnant pond.
Anyway, I am currently unemployed, or I will be on the 25th. I do have one resume out for another office job and I know that they are calling my references. So there may be an opportunity for me to be back in the working field soon. I don't want to work full time but I would like at least 25 hrs a week. I don't want to leave the girls for an 8-5 or something like that. This job that I have applied for would be part time. Maybe I will get it. We'll see.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Constitution Park
This is the kiddie side. Much more my speed... I don't think I would fall off of this
Tuesday Ten
1. We got up to a very cool morning. My mom said her temperature gage showed 64. To some of you that probably would be a warm front. We are so thankful for some cooler weather. I turned on the heat this morning because the floors are cool and I didn't want the girls to get cold.
2. Patricia wanted pancakes for breakfast and Katie will pretty much eat what ever is placed in front of her. So I made pancakes for the girls and boiled eggs for me. This diet I'm on calls for one boiled egg, but my sugar drops if I don't get enough to sustain it. I had two boiled eggs with one piece of toast.
3. While I was cooking the pancakes I decided to "kill two birds with one stone" and so I put the eggs on the back burner. My mom called and while I was on the phone with her the back burner caught on fire. I was almost in a panic. I bet the flames were 4-5 inches tall. I finally said to mom that I had to go and I grabbed the dish rag and began to beat the burner. When I got the flames beat down some I started blowing and finally got the flames out. Much to my dismay the bottom of my pan is black. I'll have to work hard to clean that off.
4. Katie was up at 8:10 this morning which is unusual for her. She usually sleeps until 9:00 or later. When she wakes up the whole house wakes up too. She yells and talks so loud that it's almost a scream. She is so funny. Patricia woke up about the same time and so my sleep time was over too. I like to sleep in as long as I can if the girls will let me. Once their awake you have to be up and on your "toes."
5. I promised Patricia a trip to Constitution Park today. We are going to go through McDonald's for lunch and then eat and play at the park. This park is really nice. It's shaded well and has a small park for the little ones and a bigger play area for the older kids. They also have a path that is paved all the way around and I think four trips around is a mile. I take advantage of that when I go. There is a basketball court, volleyball court, and skate boarding. It's pretty nice.
6. I called Tom last night and he said that the job was going well. They are in the process of bidding on another part of NASA and if they get it there will be work for a few more weeks there. That means Tom will be gone more but the money is good. I'm trying not to complain being here with the girls all week by myself because I know that he misses the girls and would rather be here than on the road. Sometimes duty know what I mean.
7. My niece and nephew received a Nintendo DS for Christmas. They are really cool! Patricia was so thrilled when she saw Johns and wanted to play it. Tom is now wanting to get her one for her birthday. I told him I thought she was a little young for it. I had never heard of them until I started reading about them on some of my friends blogs. I still didn't know what they were until Jonathan showed me his. Maybe when Patricia gets a little older. I just don't think she is mature enough yet for one.
8. Before Christmas Tom and I watched "The Christmas Shoe." We *sniff, sniff* cried! It was such a sad movie. Last night I watched the sequel. It was equally sad in parts but turned out to be a very good movie. There is a little bit of the "D" word in it. Our VCR will block out any unwanted words. Makes it a little easier to watch certain movies.
9. My husband hooked up his PlayStation 2 last weekend before leaving. My nephew had a game he wanted to play and Tom is a "sucker" for games. So he hooked it up and Patricia is having a blast playing "Pack man." She can only get about 2 minutes into the game before she dies and then she has to start over again. I told her she would just have to keep on trying. I don't have time to stand beside her and get her through all of the rough spots. She gets so upset with me for not helping her more. When things get to that point I make her put it away. I do help her if I have the time.
10. AAAhhhhh!! I made it to ten. Now what to talk about.....HHHmmmmm.....My fingers are drumming the table....Ok. I know. I'm going to try to wash my windows today. I will have to wait until Katie is down for her nap and then I will try to do this "horrible most disgusting job." You have no idea how much I dread this. I'm not a big "outdoorsy" kind of person. I'm fine cleaning inside, but I hate to go outside to clean. On the other hand, Tom and Patricia would live outside if they could. *wonder if Tricia would clean the windows for me* I better not try that. You know they have all these "labor laws" for kids....Let's not go there. That ranks right up there with "DO NOT SPANK YOUR CHILD, YOU WILL DAMAGE THEIR PERSONALITIES" crap. Ok. I better go.
Thanks for stopping by. God bless. See ya.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I went to the office today and got wrapped up in some personal things and didn't get a thing done. I have to go back Wed and Thurs for a few hours. We still have not picked up any jobs to speak of so I am passing out my resume to other companies. We'll see what happens.
Tom is gone for another week. He is at NASA for the next three weeks. They are blasting paint off of a hallway that is about 600 ft. long and 35 ft wide. There was a worry about lead in the paint so the guys look like aliens right now trying not to breath in the particles. They should have the test results in this week to tell them whether or not they have to worry about poisoning. Tom seems to be enjoying his work up there. We sure miss him here.
I went this evening to clean off the carport and the temp has dropped enough that I had to go back in for a sweater. Thank God for the cooler weather. I will have to close up the windows tonight or the girls will get too cold.
The coons found my trash cans. AGAIN!! We have an over abundant supply of the critters. I can't stand to clean the mess up because they have had the garbage in their mouths. I make sure to wash my hands really good after the job is done. My nephew came over with Papa's truck and took all of the garbage to the dumpster. We don't have trash pick up here and ever thing goes into dumpsters at different stations on campus. I figured if I empty the cans and then just haul over my trash ever day, I won't have to clean up after the coons.
Well, I must get off of here and see about some supper. Chicken and broccoli for supper. I lost three pounds last week and I'm trying for three more this week. I have found that fish and chicken are better for you than any other meat. Add some steamed veggies and a baked potato and you have a very healthy and low fat meal. I'm really having a hard time sticking to this diet. The three pounds was encouraging.
Take care all of my blogging friends. God bless. Thanks for stopping by. Good night.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My little chef
We are getting there.
All done and they turned out so nice. They were light and fluffy and just the right size.
The end results. They were wonderful with Mommy's eggs and bacon. Bonn appetite!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Too cute not to share :):)
Monday, January 7, 2008
The end of 2007 plus more...
1.Katie Lynn came to us on December 26th of 2006 and so January of last year was a very busy time for us. We had so many visitors and well wishers. It was so nice. The meals that our church family provided were awesome and soooo needed. We truly appreciate each one who helped us during this time.
2.January was also very nice. We worked hard on the house. We put down our wood floor in place of the carpet. We have really enjoyed our new floor. The room looks much bigger. It does take a little extra time to clean, but it is well worth it.
3.February Patricia turned four years old. She was so excited to have a birthday. She also had a major step in her life...Preschool. She really enjoyed going once she got past the shyness and learned to make friends. I still say it was the best thing in the world for her. Also in February we had our annual Seabreeze Camp meeting. There are hundreds of people who show up for this special time of year. I for one was so encouraged by the messages I heard. We will be starting again the 7th of February this year and I'm so looking forward to the services. If your are in the area come and join us.
4.Tom received a promotion to Fore Man on the Surface Prep Crew. He loves the work but hates the hours away from home. He is working day turn and so that helps. He can call and talk to Patricia and me when he wants to.
5.My job kind of fizzled out. Construction has been going down hill for some time, and it reached us as well. At the end of the year I was only working 4-6 hours a week. There really was no need to work more. The jobs just weren't coming in. Now that the new year is here maybe it will change.
6.My sister Brenda came to live with my mom and was my babysitter for several months this past summer. My girls just loved her. She took good care of them. She went back to Ohio to live and we've missed her a lot. I'm so thankful she was able to spend time with the girls as they are growing so much.
7.We finally moved Katie into Patricia's room. This was a big step for me as she had been in our room for most of last year. We moved her in the Fall and she has done really well. They love to play together. Katie laughs all the time. She is so much fun. She loves for Patricia to carry her around. I run after them because unlike Katie I don't feel as comfortable with this as she does.
8.Katie has four teeth now. She got her teeth in November about three weeks apart. She can bite really hard. You have to be on your toes with that child. She still does not walk. I thought she would surely walk while we were in Ohio, but it didn't happen. She will make that accomplishment in the new year.
9.Tom and I celebrated our 6th anniversary in April. Tom turned 31 this last year and I turned 40. WOW!! It seems like only yesterday that I was graduating from high school and going to college. Time has surely flown.
10.I had a bad kidney infection last year. I was so sick for several days. The doctor said I could have lost my kidney on the right side. I didn't mean for it to go so long, I just thought it would go away. Any way, my family stepped right in and helped me out. Thanks to them!!
11.We went to a couple of places last year...Lion Country Safari, The WPB Zoo, The Jupiter Wild Life Sanctuary, several parks, the Aquarium and a few other places. We had so much fun this past summer seeing all of the new places. Patricia got to feed a Giraffe while at the Lion Country Safari. She thought that was neat.
12.Well I made it to number 12. I didn't think I would. So I will dedicate this one to the New Year...I have only one New Years Resolution. I want to be a better Mom, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Lover, and most of all, a better Christian and witness for Jesus. I don't want to take one little show of kindness for granted. I want to love my family more this year and learn to treat them better than I did last year. (not that I wasn't good to them last year, but there is always room for improvement)
I guess that about wraps it up. That's more than I've ever written I
Oh, yes...I intend to wash my windows!!