Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter Sunday!!

If anyone told me that I would have to go before the Roman soldiers and be beaten, spit upon, whipped, scourged, my hair plucked out, hung on a cross for something I had not done, I can promise you, I would have ran in the opposite direction just as fast as I could go!!

On this Easter Sunday, I am so thankful that our Lord, Jesus Christ, was willing to die for my sins. He was bruised for my iniquity. The chastisement of my sins were upon Him and with His stripes I am healed! No one had to force Him. He didn't have to be bound up and drug to Pilots hall. He went willingly with love for the very people who were nailing Him to that old rugged cross to die. And even while on that cross He took the time from His pain and agony to welcome another sinner into heaven.

There is no other Savior like Jesus. I praise Him for redeeming me and for giving me hope that I can spend eternity with Him throughout the endless ages. I praise Him that He saw me, the sinner that I was, and was willing to pick me up, set my feet on the right path so that I could make Heaven a reality in my life someday.

This Easter I want to focus on Him. As someone else has already said, His death on the cross was gruesome and so sad, but He did it for me and you. Let's not feel sad and sorrowful because Jesus died on the cross, but rather be joyful that He took our sins upon Him and that He has made provisions for His people in heaven.

He is not in the grave!!
He is not defeated!!
He has the keys to death, hell and the grave!!
He ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father to make intercession for you and for me!!
We do not have to bow our heads in shame!!
We are heirs to the heavens and to the King of Kings!! I don't ever want to be ashamed of Him. He has done so much for me!!

It's not about bunnies and eggs and new clothes for church. Those are fun in their place. Easter is about the Savior of the world who died for lost sinners. Lost sinners like I was and you were. He came and redeemed us and we can know that our sins are forgiven!!

I pray each of you have a wonderful Easter and that the true meaning of this day will be on your mind and hearts throughout the day. And not just today but every day.

We are a forgiven people with the blessed hope of eternity in heaven!!

Thank you Father for sending your Son to take away my sins. Thank you for the gift you gave to me!!


Allana Martian said...


Eileen said...

Beautifully said. Thank you for sharing. the girls looked so nice in their dresses.