This blog is the goofy and fun happenings of my little world. I am a mother of 2, wife to a wonderful man, and most of all a Child of the King. What I write will be crazy, funny, heartfelt, and full of the thoughts of my life. I hope you will laugh, cry, groan, and just have a great time reading the ramblings of a crazy woman!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
My "smoothe" little girl
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Treasures - both physical and spiritual
She talked about being good stewards of our time and about living for Jesus in the real world. Sometimes we set our standard too high. We make our expectations way out of sight until we get so discouraged and just want to give up. Sarah reminded us that we are not perfect in body. We are human. There will be frustrations in our lives and we will not always walk a perfect walk. She also reminded us that we should fill our minds with the good things of God. To carry scripture around with us and say an encouraging verse every day. She made me feel like I don't have to worry about what other people think of me, but rather to focus on what God thinks of me. Am I pleasing to Him? Those kinds of things.
Sarah also told us about the Bear and the Duck. So cute!! :):) The duck was so clean and perfect and the bear was laid back and didn't worry about a messy house but focused on baking to give as gifts. She told us that we were either the duck or the bear and could be an extreme duck or bear. I guess I would be the bear in the sense that my house is never spic and span. I don't even spring clean. Bet that got your attention!! :):) Yet I worry what others will think if they see my house and go away and talk about me. Yet at other times I feel like the duck who has everything clean and sparkling (and that is very seldom) and when bear came over she made him take off his shoes and put newspapers under his feet while he had a brownie. I don't mean to come across like that and I guess it's because I have worked so hard to clean the floors (tile takes a lot of time if you have a whole house full of it) that I just want to enjoy it for a day or a few minutes. You know what I mean. I just have to do better in this area.
She talked a bout gossip and what a terrible tool it is for Satan to use against us. How much it hurts to have someone talk about you and ruin your influence. I had to stop and think that my influence will always be with me and I don't want it to be tarnished. Rather I want people to know that I cherish my reputation and would never do anything to harm it. I want to remember that there are other people who feel the same way that I do and not gossip about them. To tell tales on someone and spread hurtful things to everyone we know is not Christ like.
One thing that I really appreciated was Sarah's point about all of us being beautiful in God's eyes. Even though others may see our flaws and our disappointments, God sees the beauty He has created. We are made in His image. How can that be ugly?
She also focused on our devotions and the time we spend with the Lord. I fail miserably in this area. I am so busy that to get that extra 15 minutes of sleep every morning is so easy to do. But I have to find time for God. If I don't, I will die spiritually. If it's just 15 minutes a day, I have to do this. She gave us some schedule sheets and I started each day out with devotions. I'm really going to focus on taking that time to pray and read and to meditate on the Word. If you want to pray for me I would appreciate it.
Now for the physical treasures!! You've all heard the saying "One mans' junk is another man's treasure." Well I thought I found some treasures today. Not that I am saying that the ladies brought junk. Please if you read this blog don't be offended. I thought everything was so nice and well taken care of. And no these items were not "junk." :):) Any way, I was really pleased with what I found.
What we did was to have a silent auction. If your participated you got a number and then you would go around to see everything that was on the tables and if you find something you like you put your number on the list along with a bidding price. It's like no one know who bid for what. The first thing I saw was this crystal bowl. I absolutely love crystal!! I have several pieces, some of them antiques, that I love. I had to have this bowl...isn't that awful??? Any way, I kept going back every little bit to make sure that no one outbid In the end I won this beautiful bowl (thanks to whoever brought it.)
Then I saw this lamp and just fell in love with it. I don't know if I will ever use it but I went home and put it directly on top of my computer desk (I have a high backed desk with shelves) so the girls couldn't break it.
I went on around the table and found these picture frames. I love Boyd's Bears and this one was actually a Cottage Collectibles but they look very similar. I just fell in love with this frame and I intend to put my girls pic in it.This frame is absolutely beautiful. The picture doesn't do it justice. I am going to put one of our family pictures in it.
We also were supposed to bring a purse that we wanted to trade for another purse. I found this purse that I like really well....
I thought it looked really that a word? Any whoo, I ended up getting this purse (thank you whoever brought it) and bringing home the purse I had taken because no one chose it.
So that's what I did today and I really had a great time. Tom stayed home with the kiddos and mommy got to go be with other mommy's. What a relaxing time.
Maybe I could do this every Saturday....hhhmmmmmmmm!!!! :):)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New friends and a broken cell phone

Welcome to Hobe Sound Brian, Tiffany, Darren, Brandon, Ryan and Kimmie. We love you!!
Cellphones are such an awesome invention. I feel so much better when I go somewhere if I know my phone is with me and I can call for help if I need it. Everyday Katie plays with my phone. Tom is forever telling me that she is going to break it. I just keep on letting her play with it. It keeps her entertained when I'm on the computer. So far she has never broken the cell phone.
But guess what? Yea, you guessed it. I was riding my bike two days ago and I had it in my pocket. These were deep pockets too, but it didn't matter. The phone worked its way to the top of my pocket and fell out onto the concrete. The top of the flip part is broken and if you move it wrong, you will turn the phone off. I was so frustrated. GRRRRRR!!!! Why in the world did that have to happen?
So now I am looking for a new phone. Something really rugged. That a baby can't break. Ha Ha!! Now you know that cell phones are kid proof but not Mommy proof!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Fun
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter Sunday!!

On this Easter Sunday, I am so thankful that our Lord, Jesus Christ, was willing to die for my sins. He was bruised for my iniquity. The chastisement of my sins were upon Him and with His stripes I am healed! No one had to force Him. He didn't have to be bound up and drug to Pilots hall. He went willingly with love for the very people who were nailing Him to that old rugged cross to die. And even while on that cross He took the time from His pain and agony to welcome another sinner into heaven.
There is no other Savior like Jesus. I praise Him for redeeming me and for giving me hope that I can spend eternity with Him throughout the endless ages. I praise Him that He saw me, the sinner that I was, and was willing to pick me up, set my feet on the right path so that I could make Heaven a reality in my life someday.
This Easter I want to focus on Him. As someone else has already said, His death on the cross was gruesome and so sad, but He did it for me and you. Let's not feel sad and sorrowful because Jesus died on the cross, but rather be joyful that He took our sins upon Him and that He has made provisions for His people in heaven.
He is not in the grave!!
He is not defeated!!
He has the keys to death, hell and the grave!!
He ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father to make intercession for you and for me!!
We do not have to bow our heads in shame!!
We are heirs to the heavens and to the King of Kings!! I don't ever want to be ashamed of Him. He has done so much for me!!
It's not about bunnies and eggs and new clothes for church. Those are fun in their place. Easter is about the Savior of the world who died for lost sinners. Lost sinners like I was and you were. He came and redeemed us and we can know that our sins are forgiven!!
I pray each of you have a wonderful Easter and that the true meaning of this day will be on your mind and hearts throughout the day. And not just today but every day.
We are a forgiven people with the blessed hope of eternity in heaven!!
Thank you Father for sending your Son to take away my sins. Thank you for the gift you gave to me!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Easter
A friend of our took these pictures before he left to go home to Ohio. I thought I would post them for everyone to see. The girls are getting so big. Katie loves the camera. She likes when the light flashes. There was no persuading her to laugh. She is so much fun.