This blog is the goofy and fun happenings of my little world. I am a mother of 2, wife to a wonderful man, and most of all a Child of the King. What I write will be crazy, funny, heartfelt, and full of the thoughts of my life. I hope you will laugh, cry, groan, and just have a great time reading the ramblings of a crazy woman!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Graduation is finally over!!
WOW!! That's all I know to say to describe the kindergaten class of Hobe Sound Christian Academy. They were awesome. The graduation was fun and the kids put on quite a show with their story of "The Ugly Duckling." The also did the old story of the donkey, dog, rooster, and cat that went to town to sing for their supper. Not only did they do stories but also quoted the 23rd Psalm, sang a song about Daniel, Shadrach and his two brothers and told us all about what they had learned during the school year. If you go here you can watch the whole graduation under the archives. Just click on Live Streaming and it will take you to the archives. You will really enjoy. Here are a few pictures.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My girl
Today was Award Chapel at school. The elementary classes all met to see what awards they would receive. I was really impressed with the students who had excelled in all of their subjects. Then there were a lot of kids who excelled in a particular subject. Tricia didn't think that she was going to get an award. She was so surprised when her teacher, Mrs. Deckard called her name. She went to the front with a great big smile on her face. One thing I did not do was push her in school. By doing so I might have made her not want to study. Math was a challenge for her but even by now, she has done so well with her math and writing her numbers. She did very well in all her subjects.
Tricia's award was for writing. I think I may have mentioned before that in kindergarten they start out writing in cursive. Somewhere along they way they also learn to write in print but cursive is the preferred writing. Tricia has done very well with hers. I was so proud to see her get an award for her handwriting. She deserved it!!
Here are a couple of pictures. The first one is Tricia with her award.
The second one is one of the pages she wrote last week.

I'm looking forward to no more school for a while. The alarm clock can be shut off for now.
Thanks for stopping by. See ya.
Tricia's award was for writing. I think I may have mentioned before that in kindergarten they start out writing in cursive. Somewhere along they way they also learn to write in print but cursive is the preferred writing. Tricia has done very well with hers. I was so proud to see her get an award for her handwriting. She deserved it!!
Here are a couple of pictures. The first one is Tricia with her award.
I'm looking forward to no more school for a while. The alarm clock can be shut off for now.
Thanks for stopping by. See ya.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Goodness, Graciouse, Me-o-My!!
How the time does fly. We have been so busy here in our little town that I have not been able to blog until now. I have been keeping up with all of you but too busy to type a blog for myself.
School is almost over. Thank God!!! I am so looking forward to sleeping in just a little bit longer in the mornings. Tricia has done so well. Her teacher was commenting to me the other night about her hand writing and how nice she thought Tricia's writing is. HSCA uses the Abeka curriculum and it requires kindergartners to start out writing in cursive. I was so unsure about that. I was also very surprised and excited to see how easy it was for Tricia to grasp the cursive writing. She is doing so well with it. She has excelled in her numbers too. At first we were having some difficulty with numbers and math, but she is now doing really good with them. Reading has completely stunned me. She can read short stories with 4-5 letter words in it. She just sounds out what she doesn't know until she gets the word right. She is a little slow at reading but we have been working on speed the past few weeks and she is doing really well. Now when we drive places she wants to read the signs that she sees. I really don't want her to read all of them :):) but she loves to sound out the words so they make sense. I'm pretty proud of her in case you haven't guessed already.
Katie surprised me about 2 weeks ago by telling me she wanted to go potty. Every few minutes she was taking off her diaper and going to the potty. She wouldn't do anything, just sit there and play. I would get her diaper back on and she would take it back off. This kept going on for a few days so I dug out Tricia's baby panties and we started training. She did pretty good the first day and then the second day she had four accidents in the play room. I decided that maybe what she needed was pull-ups. She could take them on and off like panties and still not be in a diaper. From that moment on she didn't want anything to do with the potty. AARrrggghhh!!!! Now we just take it one day at a time. I take her to the potty and sometimes we have success and sometimes we don't. One day she'll surprise me and start going all of the time.
Buddy is doing great. Tom bought him a jute rope to play with. They are not supposed to be able to tare them up but Buddy did. We got him another nylon type rope with big knots in both ends. He shredded it. Tom went to the flea market the other day and talked to a trainer. He talked Tom into this red thing that has holes on both ends. One about the size of a pencil and the other a little bigger than a fifty cent piece. Tom takes a teaspoon of peanut butter and mixes it with dog food and puts it in the bigger hole. Buddy will lay for hours playing with that and licking his treat out of the hole. This one he can't tare up. (My fingers are crossed)
We still have a busy week ahead of us. Tricia graduates on Friday morning. She is so excited. They will be doing a little program with singing and recitations. It's about the ugly duckling. Guess who is the ugly duckling. She cried...:):) I told her not to cry because the ugly duckling grew up to be a beautiful swan. Her teacher told her the same thing. It didn't She was so upset. I'm anxious to see the program. Tricia get's to sing by herself and then has another speaking part with a friend. Hopefully I can get some video of the program to share with you.
Well, I leave you with a couple recent pictures of the girls. Hope you are having a great Spring. God bless.
School is almost over. Thank God!!! I am so looking forward to sleeping in just a little bit longer in the mornings. Tricia has done so well. Her teacher was commenting to me the other night about her hand writing and how nice she thought Tricia's writing is. HSCA uses the Abeka curriculum and it requires kindergartners to start out writing in cursive. I was so unsure about that. I was also very surprised and excited to see how easy it was for Tricia to grasp the cursive writing. She is doing so well with it. She has excelled in her numbers too. At first we were having some difficulty with numbers and math, but she is now doing really good with them. Reading has completely stunned me. She can read short stories with 4-5 letter words in it. She just sounds out what she doesn't know until she gets the word right. She is a little slow at reading but we have been working on speed the past few weeks and she is doing really well. Now when we drive places she wants to read the signs that she sees. I really don't want her to read all of them :):) but she loves to sound out the words so they make sense. I'm pretty proud of her in case you haven't guessed already.
Katie surprised me about 2 weeks ago by telling me she wanted to go potty. Every few minutes she was taking off her diaper and going to the potty. She wouldn't do anything, just sit there and play. I would get her diaper back on and she would take it back off. This kept going on for a few days so I dug out Tricia's baby panties and we started training. She did pretty good the first day and then the second day she had four accidents in the play room. I decided that maybe what she needed was pull-ups. She could take them on and off like panties and still not be in a diaper. From that moment on she didn't want anything to do with the potty. AARrrggghhh!!!! Now we just take it one day at a time. I take her to the potty and sometimes we have success and sometimes we don't. One day she'll surprise me and start going all of the time.
Buddy is doing great. Tom bought him a jute rope to play with. They are not supposed to be able to tare them up but Buddy did. We got him another nylon type rope with big knots in both ends. He shredded it. Tom went to the flea market the other day and talked to a trainer. He talked Tom into this red thing that has holes on both ends. One about the size of a pencil and the other a little bigger than a fifty cent piece. Tom takes a teaspoon of peanut butter and mixes it with dog food and puts it in the bigger hole. Buddy will lay for hours playing with that and licking his treat out of the hole. This one he can't tare up. (My fingers are crossed)
We still have a busy week ahead of us. Tricia graduates on Friday morning. She is so excited. They will be doing a little program with singing and recitations. It's about the ugly duckling. Guess who is the ugly duckling. She cried...:):) I told her not to cry because the ugly duckling grew up to be a beautiful swan. Her teacher told her the same thing. It didn't She was so upset. I'm anxious to see the program. Tricia get's to sing by herself and then has another speaking part with a friend. Hopefully I can get some video of the program to share with you.
Well, I leave you with a couple recent pictures of the girls. Hope you are having a great Spring. God bless.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Meet Buddy
I have dreaded so much every time my husband would go to Craigs list or an animal shelter to start looking for a dog. I think he started way back in February when we were sure we wanted to move to the bigger house. The back yard is fenced in and is a perfect place for a pet and for our girls to play with a dog. I just really dreaded the work that is involved...feeding, exercising, bathing, etc. You get the picture. I did not want the added responsibility to all of the things I already am responsible for.
About 5 weeks ago my husband told me that he had found a dog and he wanted me to go and see it. He said that it was a Black Lab mixed and would be perfect for our girls. The owner was moving and had two dogs. The Lab was the bigger dog and he couldn't take both dogs with him so the Lab had to go.
We drove to PSL to see him. Tom got out and met the owner and dog at the door. When I got out of the truck Buddy was NOT happy to see me. He growled and bared his teeth. I was not really sure what to do because I love dogs and don't usually have any problems with them. He was not warming up to me in the least. I finally went around to the passenger side of the truck to get Katie out when he came bouncing back to me growling. That was the last time he growled. I guess he changed his mind about me and decided I wasn't too bad afterall.
We brought him home and he has adjusted well. The girls love him to death. They can lay on him and lead him all over. They love to go in the back yard and play with him. That is the only reason he is still here. Now I'm too soft to send him away. I sweep the floors every day to keep the dog hair up and believe it or not, there isn't any smell with him.
I guess we will keep him for now. He has become part of the family. Now if I can just keep him out of the trash. ***sigh***
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