This blog is the goofy and fun happenings of my little world. I am a mother of 2, wife to a wonderful man, and most of all a Child of the King. What I write will be crazy, funny, heartfelt, and full of the thoughts of my life. I hope you will laugh, cry, groan, and just have a great time reading the ramblings of a crazy woman!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Way too soon
Today we were watching Dance War on and one of the teams was performing. Patricia was sitting on the couch and all of a sudden she says:
"Mommy I really like those boys and girls. They are soooooo lovely!"
I laughed til I about fell off the chair. Oh the innocence of children. They are so much fun.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Bragging rights!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Her trusty steed!
The neat thing about this one is it is alluminum. In Florida metal tends to rust. It doesn't take long for that to happen. So Tom was determined that the next bike would be alluminum to prevent it from rusting. Patricia picked out the color and the bike shop put it together. She picked out a 20in bike and didn't have any trouble at all getting on it and taking off. The not-so-neat thing about it was the price. It was a little more pricey than I thought we should pay, but Mom wanted her to have it so we pitched in along with her Grandparents from Ohio and bought the bike. We gave it to her early so that the Ohio GP's could see it too.
The main thing is she is happy and has been every where on it. The hardest thing for her to get used to was the brake on the handlebar. Once she got the hang of it she was off riding into the sunset on her "trusty steed."
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy!!
My first week was learning who everyone was and what department they work in. Then I had to get an office cleaned out and ready for me. My new boss is a really nice guy but he's a little messy and so I had to clean up a lot of stuff from him. But it will be part of my job so I will have to get used to it.
My first assignment for a customer was to find a pair of pants for him. That person happened to be my dear husband. When Tom called in to order them, the boss man brought it to me and asked me to research it and order them. I was a little nervous but I was able to do the job and get the right pair of pants ordered. It sounds so simple but if you saw all of the different product we carry you would understand. Their are hundreds of types of pants to choose from. You have thousands of magazines (distributors) that you have to go through to find just the right product.
The really neat thing about my job is that the owner is a Christian man and so the office is a very clean envioronment to work in. He doesn't allow bad language or dirty jokes. He wants a clean work area and I truly appreciated that. I think that I am going to fit in fine.
On a second note not to change the subject or anything, but camp is wonderful!!! I have been so encouraged and inspired to be a better Child of the King than ever before. The speaker for the first night was Marc Sankey. He spoke about our spiritual alarm clocks and how so many of us are hitting the snooze and going right back to sleep spiritually. I have not been able to get away from that thought. What if I am doing that?? What if it takes a great tragedy for the Lord to get me to wake up and pay attention?? I don't want that to happen. I want to be alert and awake so that whatever comes my way I can be in the spiritual condition to pray. We never know when that time may come and the time for the Lord's return is so close at hand. I want to be ready.
The other emphasis that has been so strong is on prayer. We have heard so much on prayer. The only way we are going to get to heaven is if we pray. Talking to the Lord about every single thing in our life. He wants to be our dearest friend and He longs to hear from us and to commune with us. It doesn't matter what the reason is He just wants to hear us. I have had to realize that I don't pray enough. Will my children grow up to know me as a praying mom?? Will I be able to pray with someone if they would ask me too?? I need to grow stronger in this area and pray as much as I can. I know we can't be down on our knees 24-7 every week, but we need that time alone when we get with God and talk to Him without interuptions. We need to tell Him all about our hopes and dreams, our sorrows and burdens, our financial troubles and our sicknesses, our lost loved ones and how much we love Him. He said He would answer our prayers if only we would ask.
"God help me to do better in this area. Help me to pray more and to love You more!!"
I'm encouraged and I'm looking forward to more food for my soul throughout this next week.
I don't know when I will be back on here. My In-Laws are here and we are going to camp everyday so we are pretty busy. I'll try to give you an update later in the week.
Until then, God bless.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I don't think sooooo!!!!!
He has asked me on several occasions if I would mind if he got a motorcycle. I very sweetly reply that he can have one when he doubles his life insurance. He stops asking.

Now if he were to condsider one of these thingy's, I might consider. This would be more my style. Three wheels instead of two. I wouldn't have to worry about the thing falling over. How cool is that?? Does any body own one of these??