Here you go mommies - a different kind of survey for a change - it's all about your first born! Just copy and paste it in a new note for yourself!
Let's see how much you remember!
1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? NO. A surprise actually for we had just lost a baby six months earlier and weren't expecting to be pregnant so soon after.
2. WERE YOU MARRIED AT THE TIME? Yes, a year and a half
4. WAS ABORTION AN OPTION FOR YOU? Never!! If you want to abort just kill the one your currently have instead of going through the physical pain. It's the same difference.
5. HOW OLD WERE YOU? 34 1/2
6. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? I was feeling like something was different with my body and I took a home preg test. The results were positive, of course.
7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? Tom, and then the family a few weeks later.
8. DUE DATE? March 5th
9. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? Only for about 10 minutes and not in the morning but around five in the evening. It was June and very warm. I left work every day at that time and went out into the heat. I think that was what made me feel a little queasy. I never vomited though.
10. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Nothing really. I did eat Big Mac's for a week at one point.
11. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? I don't remember being irritated all that much.
13. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX OF WHAT YOU WERE GETTING? Only until she was born. We never wished for anything different once she was in our arms.
14. HOW MANY POUNDS DID YOU GAIN THROUGHOUT THE PREGNANCY? About 15 pounds and it was all baby weight. I dropped 30 pounds in the first week after she was born.
15. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? Yes...we had 2 showers.
16. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? One was from my former church and we knew about that one. The other was from the place I worked and it was a surprise.
17. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? My only complications was sugar and blood pressure.
18. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? O'Blenness Memorial
19. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? I had a cervadel (sp?) on Monday night and started into labor the following morning around eight. I had her at 10:15 that night. About 15 hours of labor.
21. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? There were 15 people in the room including the nurses and doctors. My mom,Toms mom, my friend Tiffany was my coach, Tom's aunt was in the background and couldn't really see anything and the doctors and nurses. I had a nurse who did a double shift because she wanted to see the baby born. It's a story I'll post someday.
22. WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? Natural. I had 4th degree lacerations and was really sore for about 2 weeks. The sidz (sp?) bath was nice.
23. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Better believe it. I had Nu bane (sp?) first and then an epidural around 4 centimeters.
24. HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? 8 pounds 41/2 oz.
25. WHEN WAS YOUR CHILD ACTUALLY BORN ? 02/25/03 10:15 p.m. The same day as my baby sister's birthday which was what I wanted. Brenda was never able to have children of her own and eventually had a hysterectomy while in her 30's. Patricia being born on Brenda's birthday was very special to us all.
26. WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM/HER? Patricia Ann Wheatcraft. Patricia after me and Ann after my Grandma Annie Robinson.
27. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? 5, almost 6 this month