Friday, July 18, 2008

Anyone need a recipe????

I read an article one time about a lady who detested her mother's cook book. She complained as a young girl how messy the book seemed to be and wondered often how her mother found anything. Her mother would always say that she new exactly where every recipe was in her cook book. As the young girl got older and out on her own, she vowed her cook book and recipes would never be in as sad a shape as her mothers. Then one day she decided to take inventory of her recipes and cook books and to her amazement her recipes were just as messy as her mothers had been. She soon realized how cherished her mothers recipes had been even though they were in a very disorganized mess and she decided that a messy recipe book could still produce a wonderful meal the same as an organized one.

I guess you could say that I have kind of been like the young woman in the story. My mom always kept her recipes in a box. I thought they were awfully messy but I loved to open the box and just smell the inside. Call it weird, but I love the way that box smelled. Just the other day I went to moms and asked her if she still had the same recipe box and she said yes. I took it down from the top cabinet and opened it up to take a deep long sniff. It still smelled the same. Wonderful!! I snapped some pictures so you could see...

You could always find her recipes in this disarray. How on earth does she find anything in that box?? Then Tom decided I needed a new drawer in the bottom of my cabinet and I had to pull everything out. I was really shocked at the amount of cook books I had accumulated over the years. I don't even know what is inside most of these cook books.
This is the book I use the most. When I want a recipe I go to this book and open it up to all of the many loose recipes that are in it. Every time I get a recipe I just open the book and throw in the paper. I never dreamed it would be this messy and I'm always vowing to clean it up and type all of those recipes onto nice 5x7 cards. I just never seem to get the time.
I guess it really doesn't matter what shape or disarray a recipe book gets into as long as you are satisfied with it. The book that my loose recipes are in is an old church cook book that I bought at a bake sale in Ohio. It has several recipes in it that I love to make and as you can see it is full of all kinds of loose recipes too. It's so fat you can't lay it down but what every thing starts to fall out of it. I love to open the book and just sift through the pages and imagine what each recipe taste's like. If you like to cook you know what I mean.
So take out your recipes and cook books and just take some time to look through them. You'll be amazed what you can find.


Allana Martian said...

I love recipes, too! Sometimes I toss them out, though, because I know I can look them up on the internet. They have cool online tools for compiling and printing out your own recipe book. I can't think of any off hand, but if you googled it, you would find something!

Eileen said...

Gale I am sorry I can't help you with your problem of the smokey smell. We had something similar, though it finally went away.
I too, loved having cook books, though through the last couple of moves I had to get rid of several. I just have a few left. But I don't cook as much as I use too.
I hope that Patricia like VBS. The boys did enjoyed it so much too. I am so grateful for people that go out of their way to do something to help the boys and girls learn about Jesus. It was a great one.
I pray all is well with you and thank you for sharing.

Eileen said...
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Becky said...

It was great hearing from you. Yes, we have been very busy here lately, but I would rather be busy than bored.
Yesterday morning, we woke up to a horrible storm. They are not saying that it was a tornado, but a lot of trees are down. The winds were around 110mph. They say that those winds are hurricane winds. YIKES!! It was really scary, but God had His hand on all of us. I wrote about it on my blog, so make sure you check it out.


Becky said...

If you click on the little box in the left top corner on my page, it will take you directly to the backgrounds. So easy to do. Hope to see a "NEW" look soon:)


Becky said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! You did it. I really like it:)